I finally decided to replace my old minimalistic website with a still pretty barebones. This time I decided to go down the path of using the Hugo framework with CloudFront + S3 for hosting. Hugo seems to be the current popular framework for folks looking to set up statically generated blogs, so I figured why not join the cool kid’s club.

For me, this blog intends to set goals, measure personal progress over time, and write about the technical discoveries I make on the way. Over the years, I’ve accumulated pretty lengthy list of technical topics I’m interested in over, and it would be nice to have a place to track those interests.

The way this site is maintained is through a simple CI pipeline I’ve set up using Github Actions. The pipeline runs in four steps:

  1. Checkout code.
  2. Run spellcheck using Pyspelling.
  3. Setup Hugo and build static content.
  4. Deploy to S3 and invalidate the CloudFront cache.

In addition to the pipeline, the S3 and CloudFront configurations were initially configured outside of the pipeline using Terraform.